My mum and I had boarded the Rembo matatu from Kitengela to head to General motors along Mombasa road. We were´nt actually going to GM but rather to Sameer business park. GM was the name of the stage that we were alighting at.

After we took our separate seats due to covid 19 measures issued by the kenyan ministry of health, I took the liberty and just stared outside the window being fascinated by the comings and goings at the Kitengela bus stop.
After about fifteen minutes the mini bus was full and we took off with the conductor hanging at the door way as they usually did. We reached the main road and I heard someone singing off key at the following song.
“Mimi najua hauta nisahau
Mimi najua hauta nisahau
Mimi najua una mpango mwema
Mpango mwema kwa maisha yangu”
I watched him sing while standing at the doorway. He repeated it two times, hummed the third time and after the mini bus had finally joined the traffic, he closed the door and started requesting for the bus fee that was fifty kenyan shilling.

He stood by my seat and stretched forth his hand. I looked up at him and noticed that he was as any other conductor, young and kind of struggling just trying to make ends meet like any other kenyan. On the other hand, he had bank notes that he had collected earlier on and that were carefully folded vertically and placed in ascending order.
I handed him two fifty shillings bills and raised my hand to show the peace sign. Signaling to him that it was for two persons. He asked if the second person was the one seated behind me. I shook my head and pointed at my mum who sat two seats behind me on the left side. I then pointed at my glasses and said. “No, huyo wa macho nne” he smiled at me and continued with his task of collecting the bus fare.

While the mini bus passed Shalom and was heading to Mlolongo I thought about his song. It was from the book of Jeremiah 29:11
” For I know the plans I have for you says the lord. Plans for welfare and not for evil. To give you a future and a hope.”
That was the verse that I held onto and quoted everytime I reached a point in my life where I dint know what to do next.
Was he going through the same situation. Was he hoping and expecting for something to open up? Maybe a call for a job position or maybe school? Was he hoping to better his life maybe through a spouse? Whatever he was believing or trusting for. I really hope that he finds it.
This is very impressive!!! I like your creativity.
Thank you 🙂
I like it 🙂
Thank you!
I really love this piece!
Nice read.